

To promote unity and solidarity among the Senior Accounts Officers under O/o the Controller General of Accounts.

Building suitable management accountancy systems and comprehensive management information systems to make accounts an effective tool of management of Public Funds.

To encourage, promote, safeguard and protect the interests and to take all such steps as may be considered expedient for that purpose, including the provision of legal and other professional advice and assistance, which are common to the cadre of Senior Accounts Officers who are members of this association and to further good relations and cooperation between the Senior Accounts Officers and other officers of the Civil Accounts Organization under CGA.

To work for the improvement of service conditions of the members of this Association for their improvement of efficiency and productivity.

To move for the redressal of all legitimate grievances of the members in regard to their Pay, Promotion, Prospects, Statues, Service Conditions, Retirement Benefits etc.

To work and propagate for the issues of common interests of its members without reference to religion, race, tribe and caste and for cultural renaissance.

To work without violence through mind or body and out of love and affection, kindness and benevolence.